Nam-tor dunap t'Diane Duane - >Panu T'Spock< - wuh t'ek'es-tishaya t'nash-veh. Ri veling nam-tor n'var pa'Spock - Sarek - heh Amanda |eh vath sular fi'yel-hali Enterprais| - hi isha nazh-tor telvsu fai-tukh pa'vesht-var t'Khasi - fasei palikaya t'panu fna'ha'kiv t'Surak. Wa'na'shikhau nash-veh nash dunap na'fan-veh - heh kanok-veh. Ki'yehting mahr-tor nash-veh va'asayalar t'dunap na't'hyle t'nash-veh. Wa'na'shikhau nash-veh ta telvan du - ruhm kuv bolau tu yahv-tor dunap s'shi'dunap il mahr-tor s'kitok-wilat.
Vesht nah-tor nash-veh ta pinkau sheh'rak fna-krus Vuhlkansu - pa'ha'kiv t'Surak - mesukh vi'gen-lis Vuhlkansu. Ki'mesukh nash-veh wuh'rak fna-krus du'vesht gadlar.
Diane Duane's novel, "Spock's World", is one of my all-time favorites. Not only it a great story involving Spock, Sarek, and Amanda (and the rest of the Enterprise crew), but through alternating chapters the reader also gains insight into Vulcan history - from the planet's conception to the life of Surak. I highly recommend this novel to anyone, and everyone. I have actually made a point to buy copies of this novel for a few of my friends. I highly suggest reading it yourself - even if you have to borrow it from your local library or order it in.
I felt that the sixth "Vulcan" chapter - depicting the life of Surak - deserved to be translated into Vulcan. I have spent the last while translating the first part of the chapter.

Vesh'pukeshta ish-veh ka mu-yor ik vesh'pukeshta da'Nikhirch - wuh da'ni'i'khirch -- sahris yel ta saudal svi'igen T'Khasi - yonan - glazhaun abru'tipan t'T'khut. Ri beglanal T'Leia - ko-mekh t'ish-veh - yel. Vesht ma ar'kada nesh-tor s'ko-veh - fai'ei nam-tor kan tab-ma - eh maut suk. Nam-tor kla-min - ved faikaiking vesht ma ar'kada nesh-tor s'ko-veh -- vesht nam-tor kan-bu tefu k'yut pufai-tor fi'Terra u'>caesarean section<. Nam-tor kha'wal svi'Vuhlkansu eh svi'Eingelsu - heh vesh'nam-tor ko-veh ertau hizhuking pa'ish fa'tefuk - heh po-tefuk - lu shital au kan-bu vi'karlar t'ko-veh --- isha vesht nam-tor dah khara-ahkhlar heh kim-nashiv fi'wuh svitan kahr t'shashol k'wuh'ashiv pukeshta ish mu-yor. Ri'beglanal T'Leia eifa - isha.
Ri vesh'nam-tor fan-vel ritsuri pa'Surak u'kan. Zudaya ish-veh na'tsuri wak - vesht yokul tsuring - vesht oren-tor stariben heh kitau heh telv-tor na'tsuri tav -- ruskaral ish-veh na'leitri sheklar heh pohshayeklar du'ka wak u'vath kanlar |heh u'pavesh-tor k'ashiv - po'vesht gla-tor ish-veh wa'rom leitri ta vesht ma wuh-ashiv kan|. Vesht nam-tor orenan t'ish-veh pavek-bosh-fam -- vesht tor ish-veh muhl hiyet svi'ek'onglar |hi ein vipladaular nufai-tor ta ri vesht tor ish-veh u'muhl na'su'us-ek'tal - vesh'flakosh t'ko-mekh sos'eh - wuh t'dan-lo'uk meil-talsular heh su'us-ek'tal-talsular fi'ek'tra|. Vesht nam-tor ish-veh pudor-tor - vesht nazh-tor t'hai'lu hagiking - heh hafal wehk t'hai'lu abi'shaht t'ha'kiv t'ish-veh. Vesht nam-tor ha'kiv na'ha-kel t'ish-veh sauyaing buhfiking tsuri -- sauyaing ashal ko-mekh T'Leia eh sa-mekh Stef Surak heh tik-vath k'mair-fonn'es. Po'shahtal ish-veh shi'oren - vesht ya'akash sa-mekh terau ish-veh apc'koik t'sa-mekh - na'shikh-apc'koik dvinan wehk suk'apc'koiklar svi'de'Khriv - nen-kahr t'Lhai shashol. Vesht nam-tor Surak kunli terau sah-mekh t'sa-veh - heh na'tevunlar - abi'kehl-sheh tevunlar t'ya'shakhuv - vesht ar'kada au teretuhr sep-wafikh-boshing heh vesht tor apc'koik navun.
Yi vesht pavesh-tor ein-vel.
Vesh'fi'ar'kadan ish-veh tab-ma. Vesht pavesh-tor k'ashiv - heh ri ertal Surak -- Vesht panah-tor ish-veh tab-ma ar-kardan v'hrallar wuh t'vellar vesht nam-tor utvau na'palesh t'sular t'ish-veh. Vesh'nam-tor ish-veh glu-svi'kodona-ses'in tusok na'wuh t'kashek-ek'mishan apc'koiklar - if afer-tor yut t'torvaun kashek-rubah ho-rah-kashek-trensular fi'feretai-zehl - k'tolasaun shi'nahp heh vath wel-nalatra eh ekhartaun vuhnauk purubai satorvular t'tolasaya-nalatra vi'sular ri pukeshta k'noshtra. Vesht dungi nam-tor maut kodonuhk -- wa'pstha na'shu-pallar t'tolasaya-tukh -- hi vesh'nam-tor Surak fi'ar'kadan toraniking - ac'ruth ta maut aitlu apc'koik renkup'es. Vesht nam-tor kashek-rubah khinik - nam-tor mayan nemut t'du - il t'hai'la t'du - rubah kashek t'ish-veh svi'kahat pa'ein-vel dva-tor du yauluhk - mairik rufai. Hi vesht nam-tor mahr-kel t'makausu na'wak -- nam-tor ho-ra-kashek-trensular kodonuhk - heh k'ashiv nam-tor au nuh'halishaun. Vesht aitlu apc'koik nam-tor kup shitau kashek-rubahsular fi'suyu heh nam-tor elik pohshau au urgam-fam kuv shetau au rihagik. Deshkal Surak - palikauk - po ri veling ma apc'koik wuh kashek-rubahsu rubah wuh'ashiv kashek-rubahsu k'wat. Hi ri kup nam-tor kashek-rubahsular kash-zakar .
Svi'ar'kadan-tvi-shal t'ish-veh - fi'ar'kadan heh zaseshaun ish-veh kodona nisaya s'tum-vel - haun vuhnayeklar - sneman weh-rikesik - vishitaun mahr-kel salehmlar heh yes-dayalar fi'katravahsu t'apc'koiklar. T'forti - shitau ish-veh tum-vel vi'vipladaya-nuk heh gal-tor - k'spes-tevan - svi'ku-san t'ish-veh.
Vesht nam-tor ish-veh vaksurik - ruhm yi - naman nu'ri -- maut tsuri vukhut-ves >Vuhlkansu< - ha-vol heh galat k'mu'gelik isachya - k'ritsuring sohkik limuk na' nas-hinek ak'shem - heh glu-dvolau bezhunlar. glazhal ish-veh pa heh vesht gla-tor ta mu'glal ar'kadan-tvi-shal pa'ish-veh du'vesht nam-tor ish-veh toranik -- suk'shi - ek'svi'yonol-tukh heh nesh-kur - zahvanlar t'sa-mekh t'ish'veh - vesh'k'duvlar - heh s'udish temok-abru-tol kranilar - vesht dungi gla-tor ish-veh T'Khut sasarlahan masuking - wek t'ko-veh na'ulef - fosha sau-ha'tanauk ha'ge-hirat-kur abru'mazhiv t'bah-ker s'udish. Vesht nam-tor ar'kadan-tvi-shal vaksurik - heh spo'ek'kelek - haulan navun t'apc'koik. Sakadal Surak - tizhan glan t'shi - heh vesht nahp pa'naman ish'veh svi'udish - fi'ar'kadan rihagik - golan ish-veh apc'koik navau. Vesht dungi nam-tor t'ish-veh - ac'ruthing - hi ri nah-tor ish-veh pa'ish -- vesht tizh-tor ish'veh fi'ar'kadan k'sa-mekh - tizh-tor fi'ar'kadan teretuhr heh kha'walan - ruhm ritsuri koish'a'siq - ta kwon-sum katal au teretuhr weh-beyiking u'po-wak.
Hafal tum-vel ralash-faming nahan - heh pulal Surak na'tashek na'wuh temok-sananek - vesht nem-tor s'faik-gluvayek nuk - heh vesht da-tor vi'wuh t'ro'fori glantokau-yut gluvaun goh varlar. Vesht nam-tor au svi'torek t'shaht t'es-varlar - wuh ta vesht sarlah tsuring fa'uzh varlar fi'v'hral. Hafal bikuv - hi stal ish-veh ralash heh vesht hal-tor tu'ash krani-sveplar na'lamekh salan abru'mazhiv - yi glantal gluvayek kas'eling du'im'roin pa'tvi-shal ar'kadayan kal s'pla'dor t'ish-veh.
Vesht nam-tor bikuvlar tsuri -- pukan - morovlar - ashan sular fi'suk'keleklar svi'nash kahr il ish kahr -- pohshayalar svi'fau-yutlar - vazgaun - ho-rah riyeht-stayalar - kahr-feihanlar hutaun karlar pa'nash il pa'ish. Zamik pi'kruslar pa'Van-Kal t'Telan t'ein-veh - var pa'os eglus fi'Heya Seleya - yi fezanikaya t'ek'tra na'thurai gad. Wan le eh tra - hi ri sov-masu - malatiking -- ri vesht dungi nam-tor wak na'sov-masu abi'siyah shaht t'tevun. Vesht dotoran ish-veh halovau desh'rak - glantau sov-masu. Vesht gla-tor ish-veh worla yeht sov-masu - goh svi'bikuvlar. glazhal Surak s'udish na'bah-ker heh deshkal nam-tor spo'ra kuv gla-tor sov-masu tra. tevanan masu s'igen -- maut flekh ---
glazhal ish-veh kas'eling na'gluvayek - yi le-sumal fai'ei t'ra gla-tor ish-veh.
Vashaya. Vesht nam-tor bikuv t'solektra - il vesht nam-tor solektra wuh'wak sos'eh - hi i goh masuk'thorsh-razh spo'makh. Vesht nam-tor mathu rihagik ken-tor palikauk - hi yi vesht pla-tor glayek neman bikuvlar - heh pakashogal ish-veh ta nam-tor mathu weh-suk do vesht nah-tor. Boshal thorsh-razh wuh-rehik t'ek'neik-vikuvtra Yiwa - wuh t'dan-suk'noshtralar fi'be'vla t'ek'tra T'Khut. Takal Surak sahrising ralash fi va'ashiv - nantaun na'kei-razh - hagiking kau-teh mat'drihlar eik heh leh mat'drihlar glu. Vesht nam-tor treshaya svi'lanet t'razh - heh vesh'vuzhan ta'haling du'nam-tor falek stronan s'tvi-kovtra t'ek'tra.
Vesht stariben telvsu hayaling pa'nisan t'uzh tukh-tehn-tukh ek'mishan k'shashol Lhai - fi'nisayan-solektra veltra fi'T'Khut. Heh po'zam-lik'rtlar vesht rubai bikuv vi'ein-vel natya - var pa'riyeht-staya svi'ar'kadan tvi-shal t'shikh-orna-ek'te'kru fi'mesyut-vla t'ek'tra. Hi ri vesht ma ish-veh bezhunlar na'ish. Dungi vesht gla-tor svi'kashek t'ish-veh goh ish vashaya - ovsot thorshaun - solektra spo'makh - k'treshayalar - vuzhan - k'weht vashaya bekan ne'rak - heh siyah thoraun k'fai.
Tehn-tukh - vesht nah-tor ish-veh. Uzh ek'mishan - maut -- Abi'i - Vesht nam-tor is t'tukh-tehn-tukh wunlar awek fi'si-ek'tralar heh stukh-sashilalar. Vesht nam-tor kwon-sum mau tun pa'weh-sahris-do-ha'ge dayalar t'aifa thorshayalar - heh vesht nam-tor sular k'tun pa'tor-yehat dayalar fi'ha-kel-yel - kuv vesht pavesh-tor au nuh'beyik - il fi'raf-seshan sviribayalar sasaun t'ek'tra. Hi i - eh fi'T'Khut, vesht nah-tor ish-veh k'pthak. Ri nisan t'uzh ek'mishan t'ein-veh. Worla vesht tar-tor au ra ek'mishan -- ri ein-vel na'tepul-wurzellar - il stukh-halilar - u'taran au kwon-sum - hi vikaya. Na'vi - Irik ha. Fai'ei vesht nam-tor shallar t'vi-yumuk t'Lhai eh t'Irik kuman - heh tetal eh ertal dah shashol tehnat tik-vath - worla vesht nam-tor ek'zehllar t'au hizhuk fan-weht -- kwon-sum nam-tor puk pa'ki'ma vi ra tsokal uf akarshif - il vesht nam-tor snem-tor vi s'krus t'solektra wuh'wak - heh aitlu tabakau. Ish masuk - kei thorsh-razh - vesht nam-tor vikaya. Nam-tor nash thurai, tar-tor vikaya. Eh kuv shetal nash-ves t'wun s'tash --
Hi worla nam-tor wunlar s'tash - fi'T'Khasi. Vokau galular - uf tun-bosh vesht nam-tor au is-tor goh veslar ri titau kitork-saya kanok-wilat --
Spo'dungi stau goh kanok-vei svi'pudvel-tor shal - heh trasha donketular rik'zakar. Ri kup ma etek thinoi t'donketular - kup ha --
Vesht nam-tor ish-veh va'ashiv na'kitau-skaf - nantaun na'gluvayek - ri d'thin t'tum-vel varan nam-tor k'fai k'ro'fori - eh aitlu ish-veh ro'fori shan ha. Nantal Surak na'gluvayek - if i vesh'gluvaun sohk-tvi-shal k'muhl-tong'av sular heh vaikar-varibenan - heh vesht gla-tor ish-veh goh vashaya. Vesht dungi bolau pi'el'mish na'torvau spo'daya. Ein-gad - vesht dungi ri saudau pi'el'mishlar u'tehvar-bosh. Vesht dungi fereik-tor ein-veh masuk el'mish. Heh eksuk. Heh yi el'mish ta - ved k'kisheya - vesht dungi treshau glu-vi'tvi-kovtra - il sos'eh - vi'tviyan t'ek'tra --
glazhal ish-veh fna'krani-sveplar - heh glazhal T'Khut na'ish-veh - abrukhaun - heh vesht nam-tor on mu'gel-vla eh ha'ge-vla t'ko-veh ugelik k'kei-zul-kunellar -- ta olal rakus svi'vla - heh i'nam-tor vlein.
Glantal Surak T'Khut - rik'dvunel - abi'vesht she-tor ko-veh s'glan - yi vesht she-tor sa-veh heh trasha. Hafal gluvayek varan hizhuking pa'ahkh heh apc'koiklar - tr'y'jar heh ahkh heh kla-minlar - abi'vesht sarlah yel abru'le heh vesht svi-tor sa-mekh t'Surak glazhau na'ro'fori t'fa'khru.
Shetal Surak tadek-adir. Vesht nam-tor mekhu t'sa-veh k'kolthak -- Worla fa'than ish-veh ein-vel spo'nash. Vesht var-tor au ek'te'krular. Vesht nam-tor pthak pa'kum-tor - shitau ne'hish fi'wuh il wuh'ashiv t'apc'koiklar na'if vesht tor pi'apc'koik t'skan t'Surak kla-hil -- il sos'eh vesht kum-tor wuh'ashiv apc'koik sa-veh - na'lof t'nazhan tsatik ro'fori pa'wuh il wuh'ashiv t'au. Vesht nam-tor ish rikesik - Vesht ma Surak heh sa-mekh t'ish-veh kashek-klotayalar shital k'pid-vlitau hiyasular - ri ruhm kup Kashek-rubahsular rubai fan-vel pa'ish --- il vesht dungi bolau wehk t'au fi'ar'kadan k'terkadaya. Hi aisha ish kla-min ac'ruth'es ta vesht dungi nam-tor Surak stau rik'vaunah - heh lehm-tor ak'shem t'ish-veh ein-wilat. Vesht paresh-tor torailar spo'nash maut - maut k'ashiv. Vesht nam-tor ko-mekh t'Surak svi'ar'kadan tvi-shal t'ko-veh shi'oren k'suk'kusut - ri kup nem-tor rau-nol svi'samu ugel tvurlar t'su'us-ek'tal - heh vesht sahriv-tor heh nan-tor heh smertal sa-mekh t'Surak shar'es-nekwitaya svi'shila - eh vesht is-tor vi-yumuklar - heh aisha wehk abrupik sular svi'Lhai fnu-ven glan limuk t'ish-veh fi'gluvayeklar.
Hi ri vesht nam-tor Surak tevik. Svi'fa-wak - vesht dungi tar-tor ish-veh - >Nam-tor ish gad lu sarlah nash-veh vi'ha'kiv.<
He was born the night the da'Nikhirch was born, the Eye of Fire: the sudden star that appeared in the Vulcan sky, blazing, looking over T'Khut's shoulder. T'Leia, his mother, did not notice the star. She had her work cut out for her, for her child was overdue, and very large. In fact, she quite literally had her work cut out for her: the child was delivered by the technique known on Earth as Caesarean section. The pun exists in Vulcan as well as in English, and she was teased gently about it before the delivery, and afterward, when they placed the baby in her arms... Also born that night were two bush wars and the final attack on one nation's central city by another. T'Leia paid little attention to those, either.
There was nothing whatsoever unusual about Surak as a child. He teethed at the usual time, ate normally, learned to speak and write and read at the normal rate: he clamored for toy swords and guns at the same time other children did (and as often happens, right after he saw a particularly nice one that another child had). His schooling was uneventful: he did well enough at all his subjects (though there are records that suggest he did not do as well at math, which must have been the despair of his mother, one of the most prominent chemists and mathematicians on the planet). He was popular, made friendships easily, and many of those friendships remained in force until the end of his life. His home life was apparently a model of normalcy: T'Leia his mother, and his father Stef, seem to have cherished him and one another with astonishing steadfastness. When Surak completed his schooling, his father invited him into his business - a consultancy which served several of the large corporations in de'Khriv, which had become the chief city of the Lhai nation. Surak was glad to join his father, and for years, until he was forty-six, they worked together amicably and made the business a success.
And then something happened.
He was working late. It often happened, and Surak was not bothered by it: He considered late working hours one of the things that his people's stamina had been designed for. He was deep in a costing exercise for one of the psi-tech companies, which had found a way to produce mindchange adepts on the assembly line, by cloning brain and other neural tissue and administering various processed by-products of the cloned tissue to people who had not actually been bred to the trait. It was going to be very expensive - the recruitment of the sources of the clone material, particularly so - but Surak was working busily at it, certain that the company very much wanted the technique. Mindchange was popular - having your enemy, or your friend, suddenly change his mind about something important to you, was a great advantage. But it was very much a seller's market at the time: Trained adepts were expensive to hire, and often too demanding. The company wanted to be able to put mindchangers on staff and wanted to be free to fire them without fuss if they got out of hand. Surak had wondered, at first, why the company didn't simply have one mindchanger change the mind of another one who had become a problem. But the mindchangers themselves were not vulnerable to the talent.
He sat there in the office, tapping at the computer as he wrung the cost analysis out of it, adding variables, removing the more unlikely ones, inserting market projections and probable effects on other affiliated firms of the company. Finally he kicked the computer into report mode and sat back, sighing, leaning back in his chair.
He was a striking figure, even then, so young: very much of the typical "vulcan" somatype, tall and lean and dark haired, with an unusually delicate face for the raw-boned body, and deepset eyes. He looked around and saw that the office had darkened around him while he was busy: the big place, all done in charcoal and black, to his father's tastes, was shadowy, and outside the wall-to-ceiling glass windows, he could see T'Khut coming hugely up, her phase at the half, shedding ruddy light over the sand of the garden outside. It was a handsome office, and like the rest of the house, reflected the firm's success. Surak stretched, enjoying the sight of the place, and thought of himself inside it, working hard, helping make it work. Some day it would be his, of course, but he didn't think of that: he enjoyed working with his father, enjoyed the teamwork and the laughter, and even the occasional argument, that always bound them together more closely afterward.
The computer sat silently doing it's thinking, and Surak reached out to a control for one of the wall screens, took it out of data display mode, and flicked it to one of the information channels that showed nothing but news. They were in the middle of a general news roundup, the one that usually came before the update on the hour. He left the picture on and killed the sound and got up to open the window-doors to the warm wind off the sand, then watched the screen idly while walking around the room to work the kink out of his back.
The pictures were the usual: fighting, skirmishing, people marching on large buildings in this city or that one: shots in the streets, robberies, ceremonial murders, politicians waving their arms about this or that. A few smaller pieces about someone's public bonding, a feature about the old temple on Mount Seleya, then a prediction of the planet's weather for the next day. Cloud here and there, but no rain, naturally: it would not be time for that until nearly the end of the year. He planned to go take a trip to the North, to watch it rain. He had never seen it do that in person, only in pictures. Surak looked out at the garden and wondered what it would be like to see it rain there. Water falling from the sky: how strange...
He glanced idly up at the screen, then froze at what he saw.
Desolation. There was a picture of land, or what might have been land once, but now was only a vast glassy crater. The scale of it was difficult to grasp a first, but then the camera taking the picture seemed to back away, and he realised that the scale was much larger than he had thought. The crater filled one third of the entire Yiwa peninsula, one of the largest markings on the near side of T'Khut. Hurriedly Surak gestured the sound back on, staring at that horrible hole, easily five hundred miles across and ten miles deep. The bottom of the hole had cracked, and was smoking gently as heat escaped from the planetary mantle below.
The reader talked calmly about a test of a new matter-antimatter technology by the Lhai nation, on some of it's testing-ground property on T'Khut. And a few seconds later the picture shifted to something else, some story about an assassination in some government official's office on the other side of the planet. But Surak had no eyes for it. All he could see in his mind was that desolation, that utter blasting, the glassy ground, cracked, smoking, with further destruction waiting beneath it, and barely restrained from bursting through.
Antimatter, he thought. A new technology, indeed - Until now, the use of matter-antimatter weapons had been confined to the outer planets and the space colonies. There had always been much concern about the superluminal effects of such explosions, and people were worried about possible effects on the Homestar, if they happened too close, or to the planet's electromagnetic communications media. But now - And on T'Khut, he thought in horror. Not a test of someone's new technology. They never said what technology -not something for power stations, or spaceships, the way they keep saying, but a warning. To whom? Irik? For Lhai's and Irik's areas of influence were contagious, and the two nations continually rubbed and fretted against one another; their borders were never quiet anymore - always some argument about who had owned what territory how long, or which people had been removed from some one piece of land once, and now wanted it back. That huge, terrible crater - that was a warning. This is next, it said. And if this kind of weapon got out of hand -
But weapons never really got out of hand, on Vulcan. Look at atomics, how carefully they had been confined to such kinds as did not leave dirty radiation all over the place -
Such as will merely kill everything in a given area, and leave the resources undamaged. We cannot have the waste of resources, can we -
He sat down at his desk again, staring at the screen, oblivious to the computer telling him that it was finished with the report, and did he want it transferred? Surak stared at the screen, which was now showing some sumptuous room with well-dressed people talking earnestly, and only saw devastation. It would have taken a fairly small device to produce such an effect. Someday such small devices would no longer seem so threatening. Someone would make a bigger one. And bigger. And then one that, quite accidentally, would crack straight down deep into the mantle, or perhaps, to the planet's core -
He looked out at the window-doors, and t'Khut looked back at him, looming, and both her dark face and her light were bright with troubled volcanoes, that had felt the sting in her side, and now roared.
Surak wathed T'Khut, motionless, until she rose out of sight, and then got up and went out. The screen sat and babbled quietly to itself about war and business, crime and war and trivia, until the sun came up and Surak's father came in to look at the reports for the previous evening.
Surak had gone missing. His parents were alarmed: he had never done such a thing before. The authorities were alerted. It was feared he had been kidnapped, to put pressure on one or another of the firms for which their small business did research: or perhaps another company had done the kidnapping, to acquire confidential information about one or another of them. There was little chance of that - Surak and his father had their mindblocks installed by highly paid experts, and not even a mindchanger could do anything about them... or at least it would take several working in concert. But that fact made it that much more likely that Surak would be killed out of hand, and his body simply dumped somewhere. Such things happened many, many times before. Surak's mother sat in her offices at the university in great pain, unable to take any refuge in the cool bright corridors of mathematics; and Surak's father stormed and threatened and bullied the local security forces, and pulled strings and generally made the prominent people all over Lhai hate the sight of his face on a commscreen.
But Surak was not dead. Much later, he would say, "That day was the day I came alive."